Morphological Composition Of Nouns
Morphologically English Nouns are of 3 kinds
Simple nouns are rootnouns that is ,they consist only of one
root /boy
, girl , hook , chair ,/
Derived nouns are built up with the help of prefixes , which are
placed before the root/ prefixes/ and after the root / suffixes/ :
dislike , remark , artist , doctor , friendship , teacher , freedom
Here are some of the most important suffixes of
nouns: -ance , -ence ,
-ing , -ism , -ment , -ness - -tion , -sion , -er ,
-or. For example : resistance
, presence , meanings , agreement , decision , reality , speaker ,
Compound nouns consist of at last 2
roots. Most often the first is a noun / airman , footnote/ or an
adjective /blackboard , greenhouse/. There
are syntactic compounds which don’t contain any noun /forget –me-not
, merry-go-round/